On Twitter, a hashtag becomes a hashtag when a person uses the symbol’#’ before a word or phrase. This Twitter hashtag gets linked to all of those tweets that include the same phrase or word. This makes the tweet a subject and allows people to follow topics that they are interested in.
How to use Twitter Hashtags for Business?
Businesses can use Twitter hashtags to launch a new product or service or promote the existing one. Here are some ways described for a business to use Twitter hashtags:
Hashtag Marketing
Hashtag marketing is a way of using hashtags strategically for the market of a product or a service to reach the intended audience. Using the right hashtags for a tweet post can help it skyrocket in popularity by gaining the post’s views, likes, re-tweets, and shares. This will, ultimately, add up to give the content and business exposure. Different types of hashtags reach different audiences, accomplishing different goals for a business.
These are the types of hashtags a business should know and consider as marketing tools as well;
Trending Hashtags
A trending hashtag is a hashtag that is related to a trending topic or event. It is difficult and requires more time to start a new hashtag and help it grow than being a part of a continued larger conversation and enjoying the moment of popularity. Trending hashtags is one of the most effective and easiest ways for a business to use hashtags.
While they can’t be depended on for long-term audience engagement, they are excellent for grabbing attention and capitalising on a brief but deeply standard matter.
How to use Trending Hashtags?
You can pair relevant trending hashtags accompanying content connected to that relevant topic or event to help reach a new audience your business concedes to possibility not usually reach.
Niche Hashtags
Niche hashtags are great choices for existing communities, fields, and industries. Hashtags relevant to your business or field possibly already lie.
Start by researching what hashtags your opponents, and industry influencers are utilising. If you are still not assured by what method to find appropriate hashtags, use hashtag generator tools like RiteTag or Hashtagify. You can find relevant hashtags and measure their popularity to know if they are worth using or not.
If your business serves a unique niche community, follow common influencers in that niche community and track what hashtags are being used by the active members on the ground.
How to use Niche Hashtags?
You need to target your most active consumer groups using appropriate hashtags connected to appropriate content. This will guarantee that your content reaches your most important audience.
Branded Hashtags
Branded hashtags are those hashtags that are generated by your business to represent your brand. These hashtags demand some more work to exit the ground. They depend on your marketing to raise strength instead of carrying established trending topics or campaigns.
But, generating a hashtag for your business is well worth it. When done right, these hashtags are a part of a direct passage for people to find the content particularly had a connection with your brand. The easiest and simplest form of a branded hashtag is your business name or slogan. Be careful that any hashtag you choose to promote your brand cannot be misinterpreted negatively.
How to use Branded Hashtags?
You can incorporate a branded hashtag in almost any content you tweet to increase exposure. Ensure that the hashtags convey the company’s brand identity and don’t confuse customers and prospects.
Product or Service-Specific Hashtag
Product or service hashtags can help consumers research a product. If a business offers diversified products, it can be bothersome to filter through many photos just to find the few you may be obsessed with. A company may use both a branded hashtag and a product/service hashtag in a tweet.
These hashtags also provide customers a tool to become promoters and advertise their love for your product or service in a meaningful way.
How to use Product or Service-Specific Hashtags?
You can use these hashtags by including the appropriate targeted hashtag on any content related to your product or service.
Call-to-Action Hashtags
One well-known type of hashtag is essentially a bright call-to-action (CTA) hashtag for the social media world. If you are trying to raise awareness around a topic that’s near and important to your brand, don’t be afraid to ask customers to re-tweet, re-post, or share. And, you can even motivate customers to take action in the real world, not just the social media world.
How to use Call-to-Action Hashtags?
Embrace humour and human connection. And, make sure that your hashtags are related to your business in an unforced, natural way. Just use these call-to-action hashtags on tweets particularly relevant to that campaign. Otherwise, you risk diluting the impact.
Partnership with Influencers or Followers
Influencers and micro-influencers can help gain exposure and visibility for your business, product, or service hashtag. So, if it fits your brand and budget, try it at least once.
If you do not have the budget for this, reassure user-generated content. Content devised by your followers, while utilising your hashtag, is like having voluntary contributors. It also adds up a lot to raise brand perception. You can ask your followers to help them decide on naming a new product or encourage them to share images and experiences using your brand’s product or service.
Give People a Reason to Use Your Hashtag
Whether it is the existing product or service or the recognition of a new one in the form of a Retweet, your audience will respond better when there’s an added value to using your hashtag. It’s a good idea to ask both your employees and customers to use your hashtag to help make it more accessible to the intended audience.
Connect with What’s Happening
Using Twitter hashtags helps your brand link with what is going on Twitter. This is good news for you because when brands connect with what’s happening on Twitter, they see lifts all across the marketing funnel.
Use Brand Slogan
Try your brand slogan to be a hashtag. A hashtag is intended to be inclusive, shareable, and discoverable. But if it doesn’t organically fit within a Tweet, it’ll feel forced and lose its intended purpose.
Importance of Twitter Hashtags
Twitter hashtags play a vital role in improving any brand’s visibility and generating more revenue through a higher social media presence. With its current recognition, marketers from over the realm use them to advance their reach and enhance their follower base. Influencers use ordinary and relevant trending hashtags to stay connected in diversified target audience groups.
Hashtags still rule the realm of Twitter and are well-known. Hashtags on Twitter facilitate people to be connected and engage themselves on several topics. They also work as quick information-sharing portals. Vital facts are shared on Twitter before it reaches any commercial news channel on TV.
Having the benefit of both speed and engagement, brands take advantage of this by running several campaigns on Twitter. An exclusive engagement with targeted customers helps them to have conversations with their targeted audience and accumulate inevitable and important responses to their needs and wants.
Benefits of Using Twitter Hashtags
Help Your Target Audience Find You
Using some well-known hashtags may be another way to help new consumers find your brand. For example, if you use #travel on your Twitter posts, someone who follows that hashtag will see your recent post in their feed. You can even get some new followers this way.
Build Brand Awareness with Branded Hashtags
By creating a branded hashtag, you can get a persuasive way to advertise your business and drive dialogues. Branded hashtags can be as natural as using your business name or incorporating a tagline into a hashtag. This will increase your brand awareness to the intended audience which will, ultimately, increase your revenue.
Increase Engagement with Followers
Using hashtags in your Twitter posts means taking part in a continued conversation on that social media platform. And most importantly, it enables your Twitter posts apparent in that conversation. This can bring about better engagement, increasing your brand’s social media engagement through likes, shares, Re-tweets, comments, and new followers.
Disclose Sponsored Partnerships
This segment is for influencers and brands, the ones to help influencers. When working with brands, influencers should allow their audiences to know that a piece of content is sponsored. Brands confirm that you expect specific hashtags when reviewing and accepting influencer content.
Add Context to a Twitter Post
Using a hashtag can be a natural way to delve into what you’re talking about, without utilising valuable characters or writing repetitious captions.
Hashtags have become essential on social media as they allow your content to be found by the right audience. Using relevant hashtags helps your content to be found and helps drive traffic to your content so that you can boost views, shares, and likes as well. While as far as Twitter hashtags are concerned, always remember to use a maximum of two hashtags in your single tweet post as more than two hashtags in a post make it spam. Would you also like to read about LinkedIn hashtags, Pinterest hashtags, and Instagram hashtags for businesses